Merkaba meditation - simplified version
The Merkaba meditation is an activation of your own energy field from the star tetrahedron geometry of the light body.
To do this, first create 2 spherical spheres, one the size of your stomach
one enveloping the body, initiated with the center at the navel. These are then lifted into the heart center, which corresponds to life from the heart of the new time. The star tetrahedrons are then set in motion. The human body is enveloped by these star tetrahedrons, as we can see in Leonardo da Vinci. We only see one
Star tetrahedrons, however, are 3 identical star tetrahedrons in exactly the same place.
One remains stable, the male rotates counterclockwise, the female rotates clockwise. It is therefore a structure of counter-rotating energy fields. If the male rotates 34 times, the female rotates 21 times in the same time, i.e. in the ratio of
Golden ratio. The final speed of rotation is 90% of the speed of light. Once this is achieved, the energy field has a spread of at least 50 m in radius and looks as majestic as a galaxy.
(In my opinion, the star tetrahedrons do not really exist as subtle bodies, but rather they practically form the geometry of the energy fields. The centers of the flower of life are the respective energy centers, similar to what we know from the chakra system. The star tetrahedrons are the linearly connected energy centers
The detailed Merkaba meditation was developed by Drunvalo Melchizedek. This requires you to have concrete knowledge of the 17 breaths with different mudras and visualizations. Not everyone will understand it from Drunvalo's books alone, as a practical demonstration is very helpful for understanding. Not everyone has the opportunity
to attend a corresponding seminar where this is taught.
We therefore tried out a simplified form and had very good experiences. The energy of the new era makes it possible.
Short version of the meditation:
Upright comfortable posture
Go within and perceive yourself in the moment,
sich beobachten
Energy flows from below via the root chakra (inhalation)
and from above via the crown chakra (breathe out) into the body
(Energies do not come from earth/sky, but universally, so you can also do a headstand)
The energy flow cleanses physically, energetically and mentally
Energy balls the size of your stomach and body are formed with the navel as the center
The energies are already swirling in the balls (clockwise from below, counterclockwise from above)
These are becoming increasingly brighter, brighter and more energetic
Lift both balls with the center point into the heart center
Visualize the star tetrahedron three times in the same place as in the picture
One remains stable
Male (solar tetrahedron) rotates counterclockwise to the left
Female (Earth tetrahedron) rotates clockwise to the right
Instruct each time with a strong breath:
- Rotation becomes 1/3 speed of light
- Set signal Ratio of rotation 34/21 (34 to the left, at the same time 21 to the right)
- 90% speed of light
In between, energize and stabilize with breathing
Merkaba kann auch programmiert werden z.B. "innere Freiheit" , "Entgiftung" , "Heilung" etc.
Frank Bohne