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The key point is training to become a straightening healer. On the one hand, a lot of knowledge and tools are imparted in this course. What is essential, however, is the corresponding awareness, which ultimately makes everything flow again on its own.
In this respect, the spiritual alignment also hits exactly what this time is all about: coming into one's own greatness, which is immediately evident in one's own attitude.
Alle Kursinhalte zielen natürlich darauf ab, sie später bei Hilfesuchenden anwenden zu können. Zuerst findet dieser Prozess aber in einem selbst statt. Wir werden also alles gleich anwenden.

The course takes place over 4 weekends. Each part of the course builds spiritually and energetically on the previous one. In this way, your own system is “booted up”, so to speak. There are energetic "initiations" every day, which are to be understood as an uncovering of one's own potential. The activation of the pineal gland is always present.

Essentially the following process is planned:
The basis is created on the first weekend:
Imparting knowledge about causes and solutions for emotional, mental, energetic and physical problems. The two days are very intensive, both in terms of knowledge and your own processes.
2nd weekend:
How does this world, this matrix, this universe work? We open up the simplicity that underlies everything and thereby enable us to apply this knowledge in a targeted manner. This ranges from quantum physics, sacred geometry, symbols and creation in the word, to the corresponding applications of crystals, symbols and manifestations.
Was ist die DNA und wie haben wir Einfluss darauf?
3rd weekend:
Entstörung, Strahlenumwandlung, Befreiung von Besetzungen und Fremdenergien von Grundstücken und Objekten sowie an Mensch und Tier.
Sehen ohne Augen
Wir erschließen uns, was Zeit ist und wie wir das anwenden können.
Wie entsteht innere und äußere Freiheit?
4th weekend:
Final training for spiritual spinal alignment.
Erste eigene Aufrichtungen.

The interval at which the appointments take place varies between groups. Some go through quickly (i.e. only a few weeks in between), some need more time.
Generally the times on weekends are Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sometimes we need more time, especially on Saturdays. In some groups we also met on Friday. We regulate this individually.
In der Zeit zwischen den Terminen geht es um das Verinnerlichen und Anwenden der Inhalte. Je nach Bedarf machen wir dazu Fragerunden über Zoom.      Kosten: 4 mal 650€

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